Spiritual Wellness
Find your soul inspiration, purpose and value. Learning and growing who you are as a person and what you offer to your community. This is your spirit, not so much as a religious belief
How Come You Don’t Choose to be Happy?
Lay claim to the power to adapt, this is your superpower! Focus on what you can control rather than things you cannot.
Five Signs You are Living in a Mental Prison 
The only person trapping you in your life is yourself. The moment you change how you respond and how you interpret that stimuli is the moment you start walking out of that mental prison.
Reshape Your Mental Habits to Become Happier
You get the trigger, the reward, and thoughts that you kick around in your mind to get to that reward. ...identify the trigger and pick it apart to see what kind of reward you’ve associated it with
Make the Decision to Evaluate Your Standards
Choose your standards so they work for you. Make your choices consciously so they reflect your values and interests equally.
Living a More Fulfilled Life Begins With Choosing to Accept Yourself
Let’s get one thing clear. No one is perfect. Absolutely no one. Even if you take the richest person on the planet with a tremendous amount of influence and power, this person might suck at basketball. This person might not be able to swim himself out of a wet paper bag. Similarly, if you take the very best athlete in the world, this person might not be that good of an artist. You wouldn’t be able to recite a poem even if his life depended on it. The truth is, all of us are a mix of strong spots and very weak spots. That is to be expected. That is…
Perfectionism is a Dead-end to Moving Towards a Better You
Perfectionism is living by the rules you have placed on yourself based on what you think another persons expectations are.
Gain Better Control by Letting Go Of Your Imperfections
You are frustrated with many things in your life. That’s the reason you’re reading this article in the first place. You’re looking for answers. You’re looking for comfort. You’re looking for advice. The problem is, in most cases, these frustrations happen because you hang on to things you cannot control. I know that this is probably not the kind of ‘answer’ you were looking for. Believe me, it stung when I was told this truth before. Still, you need to accept this reality: you have to take control of your life. This means letting go of others’ hold on you. Why? Well, first things first, trying to change others so…
Moving On Is the Most Empowering Thing You Can Do
Believe it or not, there’s a lot of power in letting go and moving on. I know it doesn’t feel like it. I know that at this point, you are focusing on what happened in the past. You’re thinking that if you were to keep dwelling on what happened, maybe you will be able to figure it out. Maybe with enough contemplation, things would fall into place and you would see the rhyme and reason for the negative things that happened in the past. Well, let me ask you a question. This is not the first time you’ve thought this way. In fact, this is probably the thousandth or hundred…
You are Special, but not in the way you think
You know what makes you special? Your limitations. Focus on those. Your limitations are really opportunities. When you look at your limitations as invitations for self-mastery, you start achieving things. You start going places.
You’re Only as Happy as Your Power to Accept
Everybody screws up. If you have the power to decide, chances are you will decide wrong from time to time. That’s perfectly okay, but you have to accept them. When you can accept mistakes you have the power to move on.